The help you need to get back on track with your finances.
It is an effective tool to assist borrowers struggling to meet their payment obligations. Hardship Workout Programs help borrowers overcome temporary financial difficulties.
Yes, please note that your pending application does not affect your obligation to make your payments as they come due.
Addition Financial has partnered with InCharge Debt Solutions to bring you free counseling, debt relief programs and financial education. As a member of Additional Financial, you have access to free counseling, debt management programs that can lower your credit card interest rates to as low as 0%, pre-purchase programs to make your homeownership dreams come true, and more.
InCharge is an Orlando-based nonprofit organization dedicated to building resilient individuals, families and communities with innovative financial solutions and education. InCharge has helped clients pay off more than $3 billion in credit card debt with programs that reduce interest rates and consolidate payments.
Free budget and credit counseling helps you save money on your monthly expenses. Find out where you’re overspending and how to find areas to reduce your spending so there’s enough left over to pay down your debt and save. Our certified counselors will also evaluate your finances and discuss your options to help lower your interest rates and monthly payment.
Your credit report is more than just a score. It contains what your creditors say about you and about the way the way you handle money. That is why it makes sense to review your credit report at least once a year and then take steps to ensure accuracy. Your credit report determines your indebtedness and your bill paying habits which affects your overall credit score.
InCharge Debt Management Programs can help you pay off your high-interest credit card debt.
We’ve created a personal monthly expenses calculator and planner, to help you manage your money effectively and reach your savings goals.
Here are some of the most common budgeting myths and expert money saving advice to make the most of your money.
It’s common for people to struggle to meet their monthly expenses. Here are five of our favorite budgeting tips to recommend.
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