Use the funds already in your account to secure a line of credit. This way, you can buy what you need, splurge on what you want and rest easy knowing that you have a low-risk line of credit ready if you need it.
Whether you’re recovering your credit score or you’re starting out from scratch, Addition Financial’s Secured Credit Card can help you build your credit without crazy high APR, fees and worries. The card is secured by funds already in your account. That means it doesn’t carry the same risk as a completely unsecured line of credit.
You don’t have to choose between reducing your credit card debt and using your credit card for everyday purchases. Transfer your existing balances from another card to an Addition Financial credit card.
Build a credit score without the risk that comes with and unsecured loan. With no annual fee, cash advance fee or balance transfer fee, our card is designed to be low risk. It's perfect for someone trying to build up or establish their credit score.
¹The VISA Zero Liability policy does not apply to ATM transactions, PIN transactions not processed by VISA, or certain commercial card transactions. Notify us promptly of any unauthorized use.
As low as
As low as
Establish peace of mind for yourself when you choose to cover your Addition Financial loan with Payment Protection. By adding payment protection to your new loan, you’ll have one less thing to worry about during a period of reduced income due to disability, illness or death.
Do you need to know how long it will take to pay off your credit card debt? Use our calculator to find out!
With so many different credit cards out there, it can be hard to know which tips to follow for what card. Here are our best secured credit card tips to help you become financially independent.
Scammers have been finding more and more ways to engage in credit card scams. They are becoming smarter and more technical in terms of finding your information. The good news? We are getting smarter too.
Here are 16 pros and cons of credit card refinancing vs. debt consolidation to help you make the best choice for your financial future.
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